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Waratah Seed is Australia’s first ride-share mission, flying an Australian-built 6U CubeSat which successfully deployed into Sun-synchronous Low Earth Orbit (LEO) from the SpaceX Transporter-11 launch to a 513 km altitude circular Sun-synchronous orbit on the 17th of August 2024. 

Latest news: the spacecraft is communicating as designed, on-orbit commissioning is beginning now!

Funded by the NSW government through their Space Industry Development program, Waratah Seed’s mission is to deliver space flight qualification opportunities to NSW startup- and industry-led teams, who get to test and prove the function and capability of their novel technologies aboard a 6U CubeSat platform flying to LEO.

This is a historic project focused on developing the NSW space sector and the whole Australian space industry.
Artists impression of the WS-1 6U Cubesat in Low Earth Orbit
If you are a commercial, research or government team looking toqualify your novel space technology in space, the Waratah Seed Consortium isseeking expressions of interest for a Waratah Seed-2 mission in 2027. Later, annual missions are also envisaged.

The Waratah Seed Consortium have two pathways for yourtechnology:

1. We fly your payload: we help you design, build, test, qualify, launch and fly your hardware and software based on your initial prototype

2. We build and fly your payload for you: we deliver the outcome you are looking for from space qualification.

Waratah Seed-1 hosted 4.5U of payloads on the WS-1 mission, successfully launched and deployed in 2024 and operational in orbit for over 6 months. 

A prospective Waratah Seed-2 mission would be anticipated to launch in mid-2027. The window for pre-flight test & integration will close earlier, in late 2026. 

Interested? Contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.
Green sepia image of Earth from space with Sun shown close to the horizon
Or even a series of space missions!

The Waratah Seed Consortium invites sponsorship enquiries fromAustralian organisations for our next Waratah Seed-2 Space Qualification Mission, with a nominal launch date in mid-2027.

We also seek sponsors for a series of Waratah Seed rideshare missions, envisaged to be annual.  

This is an historic opportunity for you and your brand, product or service to play a key part in a Australian space project with proven success.

Let’s discuss the ways in which you could work with us to sponsor all or part of a Waratah Seed satellite mission or even a series of missions, including missions with particular foci and connection with Research or Commercial Payload teams of particular interest to you.

Thank you to these leading space organisations for their support of our Waratah Seed-1 mission:

WS-1 Foundation Mission Partner:

SmartSat CRC logo

WS-1 Payload Partner:

Aurora Space Startups Cluster logo

WS-1 Flight Partner:
Raytheon Australia logo
Grab our Sponsor Pack below, then contact us via the form at the bottom of the page to arrange your briefing on a truly unique PR opportunity.

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Download Sponsor Pack
Artists impression of the WS-1 6U Cubesat in Low Earth Orbit

For more information contact us:

Thank you!

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Waratah seed logo showing figurative diagram of seed orbiting the Earth
NSW Govt Waratah Flower logo